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Social Media Tips: Twitter

How to gain followers and new students on Twitter.

Jesse avatar
Written by Jesse
Updated over a week ago

Twitter is probably your best bet for building a following and reaching potential students. Because it gives average users direct, easy access to brands and celebrities, fans hang out on Twitter specifically to interact with top gamers and developers. They’re also more likely to retweet posts on Twitter than they are to share content on any other platform.

Tips for Building Your Social Media Presence

  • Be a Follower.
    Follow @TryMetafy and your fellow Metafy Experts. They’ll be a good resource for retweets, and give you ideas for ways to grow your following. You should also follow hashtags and keywords that are relevant to your game, esports, and gaming in general. Here’s how:

    • Search for a hashtag or phrase, and while it’s in the search bar, use the ... menu to Save Search. Going forward, that query will show up at the top of your search menu.

    • Search for a hashtag or phrase, then bookmark the results of that search. Each time you load that bookmark, it’ll repopulate with the current results.

    • Use a Twitter interface tool, such as TweetDeck, that offers the ability to follow hashtags and topics.

  • Stay Current.
    Keep an eye on Trending Topics. You never know when one of your posts will go viral, but it stands a better chance if it relates to a popular discussion on Twitter. Along the same lines, keep an eye on Topics to Follow for suggestions relevant to your brand. These are similar to hashtags, and can be modified in your Twitter settings. For specifics on how they work, check out this article.

  • Be Visual.
    Post images whenever you can, whether they’re screenshots, gifs, or even memes. Twitter users are much more likely to engage with a post when there’s a picture.

  • #Hashtag.
    Use hashtags, but use them sparingly. Post with hashtags are more likely to be seen and retweeted, but posts with multiple hashtags will have less engagement than those with just one.

  • Hover.
    Make it a goal to check Twitter at least once a day, and to post one to three times per day. Because of the rolling nature of Twitter it’s hard to tweet too much, but tweeting more than three times a day won’t really help you to build your brand.

    • Tweet about your game and about the coaching experience, but avoid tweeting direct sales pitches.

    • Your tweets should focus more on accomplishments, funny observations/stories, tips, and such.

    • Remember to share screencaps and video clips, to give your feed visual punch. If you can make memes, now’s your time to shine.

  • Get Nerdy.
    Be aware of how your tweets and follower count are doing. Twitter offers detailed analytics on its site that are easy to access by clicking More and selecting Analytics. You can check:

    • your tweet count, how many impressions your tweets are getting, how many people have looked at your profile, how often you’re being mentioned, and your follower count — and whether each of those numbers is rising or falling

    • your top tweets, follower, and mentions for each month

    • your deep post-by post traffic data (by clicking View All Tweet Activity)

Tips for Growing Your Student Base

  • Announce Your Metafy.
    As soon as possible, tweet about your Metafy, and include your profile link.

    • Consider including a screenshot of your Metafy page to make it more eyecatching.

    • Tag @TryMetafy, and we’ll retweet it.

  • Pin Your Profile.
    Make sure you have a pinned tweet (the one that stays at the top of your Twitter page) about coaching. You can draft a specific description of your instructional experience/availability/activities, or you can just pin the tweet where you announce your Metafy affiliation.

  • RT those Giveaways.
    Be on the lookout for ongoing Metafy giveaways. We’ll usually announce them on Discord, and they’re usually giveaways of multiple free lessons. Always retweet those, as they’ll offer your followers a chance to book a free lesson with you.

  • Let People Slide In.
    Make sure your DMs are open. You never know when a prospective student will want to get in touch with you, and if you’re not following them, they can’t send you a direct message. To open up DMs:

    • Go to your Twitter Settings.

    • Select Privacy and Safety.

    • Select Direct Messages.

    • Check Allow message requests from everyone.

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